Through the Portal

A 7-week Journey to unlock the New Way

Next Portal Opens 3.3

Next Portal Opens 3.3 ○

The Shape of the Journey

  • Time

    Weekly 90-120 min group sessions on zoom, for 7 weeks, + individual integration work in-between.

  • Space

    Weekly zoom call + WhatsApp group (participation to match your mood), which will hold the energy of the room interstitially and be opened and closed in alignment with the journey.

  • People

    Four chambers of the heart, 4 people (Saga included) to come together. To offer and receive each other’s Gifts. We are among friends.

  • Known

    There will be an opening and closing, gifts offered and gifts received. We can expect the transformative arc of the hero’s journey: releasing what no longer serves, embracing the shadows, welcoming in the light, expanding into love, and returning to the world with spirit medicine. More on the Flow/Form below.

  • Unknown

    This is a space of divine Mystery. We open our hearts to receive the fruits from the divine unconscious. We do not know exactly what awaits us, but we trust that we will be given exactly what we need. Our job is to show up and surrender. We trust we have the courage: from the French word ‘coeur’ (heart).

  • Offering

    The precise number is for you to propose, based on your material reality and what you are being called to work with. I have a suggested net below. You may also choose to offer another valuable gift to counterbalance a lower financial offering. Let us have a conversation if you need guidance on what might be the right gift to enter.

My friends,

This year, I am opening Portals.

In these 7-week long group journeys, I open the Portal to let out the old, bad ideas we carry and to welcome in a new way for you, for me, and for our sacred earthly family. The way is the way of the heart: and will require heart opening, mending, and tending. You may enter with the request to open a specific door; regardless, there will be a door for you that will present itself. Together, we open a collective door - Portal 1.11 was a Door of Power.

These groups will be intimate: just four of us, me included. These groups will be intensive and immersive. This is not for the faint of heart, but your heart is not faint. No – your heart is strong, full, open, and clear.

4 chambers of the heart.

4 of us together, beating in one rhythm.

In walking through, we leave behind what is not ours to carry, and allow ourselves to change. The changing is not easy, but we can hold lightness in our hearts.

It is easier when we surrender. It is harder when we resist.  

You are coming because you are ready.

You are ready to walk this way, you are ready to do the work - your heart’s work - you are ready to meet the shadows and embrace them as essential parts of your journey. You are familiar with the Unknown, but do not want to walk alone.

You are courageous and you are strong, and you are inherently capable. Courage - from the French word ‘coeur’ (heart).

Love requires faith and risk.

Risk – that our armor is no longer required, that we may unpeel the mask, lay down the sword, and look another squarely in the eye. A square: 4 sides.

Faith – faith that we will be met when we show ourselves, that there is a greater plan beyond our knowing, that we are not here to walk alone.

The key to enter is the key of Love.

Nothing that does not know Love may enter in. We are Loved, and we are Love. This is the work of Love. We work the work of Love into ourselves, each other, and the world.

You do not need to know what your work is, why you are coming, what door exactly you want to open, or hold perfect trust. Doubt is important; doubt is the seed of change. What you need to know is that you don’t know, but you are brave, and you are ready to give and to receive and to open.

Open yourself and open the way.

You are coming because you don't want to walk alone.

You are not alone. I am here, and the others are here too. We gather in Portal space to be whoever it is we truly are. Are/Our. We do this work together, among friends.

There is no Master and there is no Servant, only Gifts offered and Gifts received.

I am among you. I am the bridge between and the Portal opener. I carry with me the keys to all doors, and if there is a door you require opening, I shall help to open it. If there is a door you require closing, I shall help to close it. I am the guide along the trail, reading the navigation points and way-finding the direction. I am your journey companion; we walk side by side, holding hands. I am both teacher and friend.

I will give you my gifts and ask that you give yours to the group – to the sacred family – as well. I will help you know what these Gifts are, and how to use them. I will help unlock the door to what must be let out, and what is called to come in. I will open the door so that our friends and guides may join us across all dimensions.

Why join the Portal?

  • You can see what others cannot. Your eyes are open. You see the pain here, and you also see the bravery. You see the tipping point we are at, and still, you see the possibility. Courage is your compass.

    You want to walk into the new earth, and you want to go there holding hands.

  • You can hear what others cannot. You are attuned to the subtle, to the whispers of the wind, the call of the birds. You know there is a message for you, but sometimes, the words arrive all jumbled and hard to decode.

    You want a more direct line to your guides.

  • You are an agent of Love and Love works through you. This is not easy work. You have been called to heal so much, and still there are heart wounds that need tending, bridges that need mending.

    You are ready to open up even further, and find new strength within.

  • You are frustrated by the limitations of your consciousness. You have been following the path for some time, but the loop still repeats. On one hand, you know the work never ends. On the other, you want to break out - to break through - to the next level of the karmic video game.

    You’re ready to expand your wings.

  • There is a restlessness. You aren’t chasing anymore: you can see this life is beautiful, you are grateful to be here, and you know how to deepen into presence. And yet. You know you are called here at this time for a reason.

    You wonder, “what is my role to play?”

  • You are happiest among friends. You are not afraid of hard work, but you know that work is easier done among friends. You are open to bring your friends, meet new friends, and widen the net of togetherness.

    You want us to belong to each other.

  • You are humbled by this journey, by this life. You have surrendered to the Great Mystery and you know that our consciousness is so much smaller than the reality of this existence.

    You are ready to fall deeper into Surrender.

  • There is something you are still searching for. You are patient, you are clear, but there is a deep yearning. Something is waiting for you, just out of reach. You are patient, but also impatient. If you were handed a key, you would not hesitate.

    You want to open a door.

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”

— Rainer Maria Rilke

Portal Journeys will be held every 3 months. Application for the first Portal 1.11 is now closed. Applications for Portal 3.3 are open.

The Door is Currently Closed

The Door is Currently Closed

Portal 1.11


Portal 3.3


Portal 9.9

Email to find out when & how to open it.

The Sacred Contract

  • If you are interested, I ask that you use the application below to apply to a Portal.

    I will select the group based on vibration, accommodating your preferences as much as possible while holding the highest alignment for the energy of the group. This is not a door of rejection or acceptance. This is a door of alignment. If this is not the door for you, I will show you the door that is.

  • We live in a world of massive financial inequality. Within the people who read this there are those at the top and those at the bottom of our collective wealth net. I ask you sit honestly with where you truly are within that spectrum and choose a price point that matches your reality. Not your wounding, not your guilt, not your projection, but your reality. Take into account both your concrete financial circumstance and any ancestral legacy that has led you to this circumstance.

    The proposed net for financial contribution is: $555-$3333. This is simply a guideline. If you do not see yourself reflected in this net, or want to work out your relationship to the offering, please reach out to

    Knowing this is a large energetic undertaking, what you choose to give is also what you choose to receive. How much are you asking for?

    People at the top the net will not be prioritized over people at the bottom. I am curating based on vibration and the energetic work we are here to do, and I trust I will receive what I need to receive. Entering the room, no one will know how much you are paying. We are all equals in our work in this room, even while we are not equals in the world outside. This is part of the rebalancing.

    You may also choose to offer another valuable gift to counterbalance a lower financial offering. Let us have a conversation if you need guidance on what might be the right gift to enter.

  • Should you apply, you understand the rules of engagement as I have written upon this page. You promise to uphold your responsibility on the journey, as I promise to uphold mine. We do this work together. It is an honor to weave this possibility with you. The way is clear. We are guided and we are blessed.

    If you have any questions, please email me at If you feel called to Portal work but are not ready to join the magnified energy of a group setting, I encourage you to work with me 1:1 through my FlowForm offerings. You may read more about them on the Offerings section of this site.

To Open the Portal:

Fill out the below.