
Welcome to the portal that is FlowForm.

Here, I help identify where you are blocked in the natural movement from accessing the life force (Flow) and expressing your truth in the world (Form). I coach you in removing internal patterns (survival systems) from childhood development that are now blocking the path of authentic expression.

I am guided by intuitive listening, psychic gifts of hearing, seeing, and feeling, and combine these with the power of mental distillation and strategic thinking. I employ a theory of 3 channelled Archetypes that sketch common narrative arcs found in the FlowForm journey to offer you a map to bring forth your essential and unique power.

While we use our conscious mind to bring awareness to your survival systems, the making is the healing. Real transformation comes when you begin to make from an authentic place. Helping to initiate the pattern of tuning into your Flow, and walking the heart bridge to Form, is the art of FlowForm coaching.

The practice is the practice of life.

FlowForm RePatterning

The foundational idea in FlowForm is that we are hard-wired as created-creative beings to bring new, living things to the world.

We do this through our FlowForm channel: by tuning into Flow and transmuting it into Form. The bridge between the two is the heart. When the channel is clear, we create as easily as breathing (inhale = Flow, exhale = Form).

But through the natural initiation of growing up, we develop survival systems that allow us to survive a specific moment - but then obstruct the path of Flow to Form. These childhood patterns, designed to bring us safety, now impede our evolution.

Because they were our safety mechanism, our nervous system associates these patterns as safety. To re-pattern feels dangerous, but to stay in these patterns is much more so: we cannot truly live.

In FlowForm Repatterning, I read the pattern asking to be shifted, find the counter-pattern to be brought in, and guide you to finding safety in choosing a new way.

How I work:


The making is the healing.

In Formwork, we re-pattern the system through the creative act. It’s giving modern art therapy, funneled through razor-sharp intellect, with a shamanic twist. Whether you are writing a book, building a brand, or re-wiring how you engage in romantic relationships - you can retrain your system by making new, heart-aligned choices in the creative process.

If your pattern is to ask an external authority for permission, then your Formwork is about tuning into your internal authority and letting it guide you. If your pattern is about making things perfect before you share them, then your Formwork is about finding safety in sharing what feels “messy” and vulnerable. If your pattern is about running treadmills in your mind but never putting pen to paper, your Formwork is about getting it on the page! You get the idea.

Through practicing new muscles in making, we initiate a frequency within your system that will spread from your creative project to all aspects of your life.

A Library of Magic

My journey has led me to many corners of knowledge, and beyond the framework of FlowForm is me, a person with a vast library you are invited into. Pull any book you want - you don’t have to know what you want - just come in for a Quick Natter and the text will reveal itself.

Some things people come to me for:

  • A Flower Essence - guidance or creation

  • Custom Ritual design, or space-holding for a custom ceremony: soul retrieval, honoring a departed loved one or inviting in a spirit baby, a rite of passage or initiation, manifestation, marriage, or inner child journey.

  • Crossroads Coaching: guidance on career transitions, romantic thresholds, liminal life-stages.

  • Group Facilitation. Check out Portal Journey for group journeys I am called to lead.

The more standardized of these offerings are bookable via my site. For more custom needs, please email me at saga@sagablane.com to connect.

If you want to chat about any of the above, you’re welcome to chat for a Quick Natter, or to email saga@sagablane.com.

I learned that the in Native American traditions the bridge between Father Sky and Mother Earth is the heart from The Four-Fold Way: Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer, and Visionary by Angeles Arrien. In gratitude for the many ancient voices whose names have been lost but who can still be heard, calling us to remember the ways of the heart.